Thursday, September 4, 2008

Happy Birthday!!!!!

So September is the birthday month for most of my girlfriends (we have one more the end of this month to celebrate)!!!  Yesterday was my friend Katie and she brought her cute baby girl (Raylee) I took her to eat sushi (she's another sushi girl)LOL!!!!

NO!!  I don't need another baby!!!LOL

See she is looking @ the sushi as if she wants to dig in!!!LOL

This Katie she is from Alabama not to far from were I grew up.  And she is a BIG time Auburn

Sleeping Angel too cute!!!

Then I decide to give my other girlfriend (Ronalyn) a surprise birthday party (which did not pan out)!!
 I had it planned for a week call every one got the gift I also reserved the room @ the Sushi place Erica to care of the cake and our friend Paula was taking the photos!!  So what ever happens when you plan a great time?  The birthday girl cancels on me!!!LOL
I may of deserved it cause she told me in the past she does not like surprise parties!
But I could not help myself who doesn't like surprises come on (i do;0)!!

But as you can see i talked her into comeing and we all have a great time (other then  our friend Bridget who was @ home not felling well we missed you girl;(!!

There was not just three of us their was (left to right) Erica, Paula, Ronnie, Me, and Tonya ;)

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