Wednesday, January 6, 2010


This is for my mom
she got Olivia an out-fit
for her and her doll for

and this out-fit for Hunter
Thanks Adulea

So we have started the P90X
challenge even the kids want
in on it (lol)!!
We are on day 4!

Rick does his work out at night
so at times the kids join in
they don't last the whole time
but its still sweet how they want
to be part of it lol!

So today Hunter went to see why
Doc (our dog) was whimpering. He was not sure
so he looks out the doggie door to find

a moose eating the raspberry bush two
feet from the doggie door (OMG)

He comes running upstairs
with a panic look on his face
trying to tell me what just happened(lol)!!

I was talking to Ronalyn the other day about
different food I cook that is healthy for you and she
said "You should post some stuff" so I am
this was super easy and EVERYONE
loved it:)

now I did small tomatoes and mushroom sauté
w/garlic on the side on a beard of white
rice I used chicken stripes already pre-cooked(grilled) one;)

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