Friday, December 10, 2010

December DIZE!

December 10

"God shall wipe away all your tears."
-Revelations 21:4

Today was a crazy busy day I don't even remember sitting down until
dinner time!! First the kids had pancake breakfast at school @ 7 to 8am
Sometimes I go but a lot of the time Rick takes the kids
and I sleep in;)

But Hunter asked me to come to the breakfast!

Around 1pm was Hunter's Christmas party @ school!

I helped with one of the crafts!

Hunter(and Olivia) enJOy when I can come to
the class to help!
(with any thing lol)

I tried to get him to look up but he

was really into his craft lol!!
One of the moms made this cake;)

All the kids sang Happy Birthday Jesus!

After I had traffic then after I had my Secret Santa reveal @
school. Rick had his Christmas party @ his job
his theme this year was duck tape,spam, and pink flamingos!


After we went to Mooses Tooth to eat together!

Okay what funny about this is that Olivia wanted to take a
serous photo.....

take 1

take 2

take 3

take 4

take 5

LOL! and she did it!

Well until tomorrow....

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