Thursday, July 17, 2008


Okay I know I blogged already but who is counting!LOL  Anywayz I am not a big fan of TV shows and what is new and all that (like Ronalyn) but can you say Benjamin Bratt (as William) can I scream now ;0!!!!!  I watched him when he played on Law and Order he is so handsome( is that okay to say) and great actor.  So just incase you have not seen it its on A&E on Tuesday nights (this past Tuesday was the 1st showing).  I'm just into "DRAMA" like I don't have enough drama with Olivia(jk)LOL.  I  don't care for his wife in the show poor guy lost his best friend and he was sad and she went to her room and left him in the spare bedroom all she said was "have a nice sleep" I was screaming @ the TV (thank goodness Rick was out) and saying "women don't you see he needs you right now"!LOL  Anyway read all about it on A&

Benjamin Brett as "William"

1 comment:

Run-alyn said...

Oh girl.. looks good.. and yes Benjamin and Ronalyn Bratt :) ha ha!

I wil have to check it out!!!

Look at you into TV drama.. you go girl!