Sunday, July 27, 2008

On a Date!!

I wanted to start by telling you a little about the man I feel in love with (and still I'm).  When I was young I prayed for a guy that would be taller then me (which is not to hard to be) for him to have green eyes blond hair and when people would look @ him that they would say he looks very manly (that there would not be no question that he is a man).  I say God had Rick picked out for me long before my pray that night.  He works so hard for us and enjoys being with us.  I have said it before he is close to a perfect husband, lover, and father there is.  He is my P.S. i love you. 

 birthday party @ Chuck E Cheese (on a Saturday?!)

Then Rick gave me my gifts!!  

I got him some gift cards from Sportsman's and REI-Rick will be going on a hunt in Aug. for

Then off we went baby-sitter came over we left @ 6:00 pm to watch a movie "Wanted"
We were like two high school kids kissing holding hands being silly!!

I so love this man!!

It was not so nice out side at all:(
There goes our bike ride.

Then off to dinner we go to "Romanos"  we have not been there in a long time.

It was great as always!

I love there art work!!

Can you see little Italy behind us!!LOL

Some more art work.

The we went to the Bear Tooth for a 10:30 pm showing of "21" it was a good movie (did not think I was going to like it)! 

Then we ended the night @ 1:00 am can you believe it!!  I told Rick I felt like high school kids  sneaking in  the house and giggling about the night!

And after the babysitter left we went up and gave the kids a kiss!!  Sat and talked a little more about the movie and . . . .  (LOL!!!)

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