Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Rainy Day's.....

Today I went by to see my girlfriend @ the scrap store.  While @ the store I see this sign that made me almost scream:0!!
Okay for one "I do not like doing laundry!!"  I guess it all started living @ home with 6 kids and 2 adults so add it up thats right a lot of laundry (not fun).    
This is what I did on my rainy day and the best thing to do is take the kids to the store and get them some.....

They played for hours with it.  They made cookies, sushi, and dog food they had fun and I got done with the laundry;)

Those letter came from a friend of ours (Hidei) who sales it on her spare time!LOL

They were not happy with me about taking a photo!!LOL

after stopping by to say "HI!" on my way to the Dentist for Olivia to get her teeth checked after they let us know she has 2 cavities that will need to get filled.  Hunter looked @ me and said "Mom why do you look so sad?" I looked @ him and said "Oh I'm not" but this is all I'm thinking "$$$$$$"LOL 

For got to add this photos of Hunter taking swimming lessons on Monday (1st time)

This is for the grandparents he is doing good.

We have 2 weeks left of swimming!! 

1 comment:

Run-alyn said...

CHA-CHING.. cavities! girl, isabel's got 8 of them! All need to be filled! We only did part 1 of, 4! i can't afford to them all at once!

OH thanks.. show my bad hair day!! :) Send me that picture too!!

SATURDAY? not sure if you were free.. i ran into erica at the BX today.. she said, she might be able if her and her hubby don't go to kenai!

Talk soon!