Saturday, June 14, 2008

Fathers Day!!!

Fathers Day

 I think I should start at the beginning (as I get the box of tissue out).   Fathers Day was not a subject that I really liked talking about because not only did my birth father leave my mom at the age of 17 but I did not get to know him at all.  My step-father (well thats another story to tell at a later time) did not have a good relationship with him.  So I did something that was hard for me I did not try to look for my birth father but I still had a hunger in my heart to have a dad in my life.  I thought about it all the time.  As a young girl I thought about the day "my dad" would walk me down the aisle, and who my kids would call granddad.  I had girlfriends that were close to their dads I would think "how could that be?" or "how does that feel to be able to just call your dad on the phone and just talk?"  This is what I struggled with all my life then I gave my life to Christ and gave it to Him.  God became my "DAD" and I was okay with it.  God had filled that void in my heart.  But little did I know He had a better plan for me.  My mom got a divorce from my step-father and after 4 or 5 years I called and told her she was going to get married again. I thought she would come through the phone and chock me. But with a big NO my mom told me she was not going to do that again.  Then she met and married Ronnie the man I now call Dad.  We met before they married and we hit it off right away.  He has 2 sons from a previous marriage and always wanted a Daughter. I told him I always wanted a Dad so we adopted each other and now I look forward to Fathers Day.  We call each other just to talk or just to say Hi.  He makes me laugh all the time he loves telling jokes even thought they are not funny all the time but I love him so much like he was my Dad.     

This is he and I when he came to visit me this past fall.  Don't we look alike!!

Now my kids have a granddad in there live.  See what happens when you give thing to God.  He blesses you more then you can ever imagine.  Now to talk about another Father that is in my life (my wonderful husband) I could not have asked for a better Dad for my kids how blessed they are.  He is the one that will play "Duck,Duck,Goose" with the kids in the block.LOL!!    

We started out this morning by cooking his favorite meal (Olivia's also) grits and eggs.  After breakfast the kids sat on his lap while he open gifts and cards from everyone.

We decided to do Father's Day a day early so we could have all day to spend.  Sundays are pretty hectic with church and all.

This is what I got him for Father's Day he loves it.  Oh did I mention he like to cook too;)

So we took Rick to see Kung Fu Panda (Hunter's idea) it was a good and funny movie.  Its a must see;)

After the movies dinner to The Brewhouse (Olivia's idea)

Rick is not a sweets person but he likes him some "Bread-pudding" but only here.  I don't care for it but I had a few bites and my goodness it was good as you could see Hunter could not wait.LOL

What a Dad.  Not only is he a loving father to the kids but I think he puts me to shame at times.  I love that he is the apple in Olivia's eye and the hero that Hunter looks up to.  I love you Babe Happy Father's Day hope you enjoyed your day;)

1 comment:

Tonya Joy said...

Hey girl - I'm still waiting to see your answers to being Tagged!!!!!