Friday, December 11, 2009


I'm so excited
day 11!!!

Okay sad day today cause Blains
last day was today;(

Hunter came home today and gave
me this pretty stone that he
got out of the prize box because he did
good in class for the week!
(just like his dad always thinking about me)

All the trees have frost all over them
it looks so pretty. Olivia says that
the frost eats the trees;)

We stopped by to see Olivia for lunch!!

After school Olivia had rock-climbing

Hunter took the photos of
her doing what she loves;)

The kids have been bring those Christmas projects
from school....

just thought I would post some!

So tonight was Rick's work Christmas party(just for employees)
so the kids and I went to Red Robin for dinner and after
went to see the Frog and the Princess ;)

We look tired lol!!!

Well so far so good other then I'm tired
but I'm hanging in there with
my December Daily;)

Until tomorrow!

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