Wednesday, December 10, 2008

December 10

Happy 10th!!

Hunter got his birthday gift from his Uncle Walt
"which ended up being the best thing he ever got for his birthday" 
so he says..

I don't know if many of you know that I hurt my eye w/my contacts
I ripped my retna if this has ever happened to you it is VERY painful so
I have been wearing my glasses for about 2 months now.. 

I do like them but its hard to do your hair and put your make up on
it really drove me crazy
but today I got my contacts back in my eyes and how nice;)

On the way to take Olivia to school this is what I saw
and thought I would share

This was in some ones yard!!
This is Olivia working on her 2 dozen
Christmas cookies

This is what they looked like after
(I think they look more like 4th of July but she picked it out)

and we end the evening with her reading homework then time for church
YES! I go to church in the middle of the week its good for you;)

Trust me I need it
Until Tomorrow;)

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